October 21, 2024

Expectations between Agency & Client: It’s not you, it’s them (or is it?)

Find the right agency for your business sometimes feels like dating and searching for your perfect match. You want someone who gets you, who listens, delivers what they promise and aligns with your goals.

What about when they don’t? How do you stop these agency relationships from turning sour? As with many other types of relationships, it comes down to managing expectations — and ensuring you get the value you signed up for.

Hello, is anyone there?

One of the biggest complaints businesses have is that some agencies seem to be hot and cold. They promise the world, deliver an island, then leave you wondering where on earth all your money went?

Nip this in the bud by laying down your expectation for clear communication from day one. Set up regular check-ins and demand transparency at every stage of the project. If your agency can’t tell you exactly what’s happening behind the scenes, it might be time to reconsider.

Transparency is a must

Ever feel like your agency is speaking in riddles or using jargon to avoid giving you real answers? If you’ve ever been bamboozled or had your questions evaded time and time again, you’re not alone. But it’s also not good enough.

Solution? Ask for clear deliverables and timelines, and make sure the agency is tracking to business goals, not just vanity metrics. If you can’t tell exactly how their work is supporting your business’s growth, something’s off.

Value for money: Are you getting what you paid for?

Getting bang for your buck is important in any transactional relationship. So, are you? Efficiency and results should be the backbone of any agency relationship. If their output doesn’t feel worth the invoice, it’s time to re-evaluate.

To sort this out, make sure your agency delivers on what they say they will. Value and efficiency please — not excuses. Set measurable goals from the start (ideally with the support of your agency) and track them against real results to see if you’re getting that ROI.

Aligning agency outcomes with your business goals

Sometimes it happens that an agency might delivering something really great — and yet it’s not quite what you need. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an issue with the agency’s skills, but rather a strategy misalignment that is creating a chasm between their output and your goals.

With any agency, it’s crucial to take the time to brief them thoroughly on your business plan and your desired outcomes. Agencies often excel at execution, but need to understand the bigger picture — the best agencies incorporate rock solid strategy into everything they do so you can see exactly how there is working for you.

Finding your perfect match

At the end of the day, agency-client relationships can be tricky, but it comes down to finding “the one” for you. When you find that special agency that is a true partner, they will be delivering results, staying on budget and aligning outcomes with your goals.

You deserve value, transparency and efficiency — so don’t settle for less. “The one” might be right in front of your eyes…