August 13, 2024

Forget go with the flow: What’s the plan, Jan?

The cool, cruisy ‘go with the flow’ vibe might sound appealing for some areas of life, but in marketing it’s a recipe for missed opportunities and results that are downright chaotic at best.

Same goes for taking a reactionary approach — it’s one thing to have a plan that’s adaptable but it’s quite another to have to keep responding as you go along. This can often result in rushed, error-laden outcomes that don’t do your brand any favours.

Having no plan in place also leaves you vulnerable to being lured into so-called marketing companies selling 'cheap' or 'discounted' deals that promise the world but don't align with your business goals or your target market.

Successful brands plan and strategise to ensure their efforts yield the desired impact. Because let’s face it: without a plan, what are you even doing?

Long-term strategic planning is vital for businesses keen to see their marketing to make a positive and lasting impact across the board, from brand awareness to ROI.

Why a plan matters

A solid plan has lots to offer, notably these key foundational elements that contribute to what your marketing activities will deliver for you.

These are the parts of planning that we love the most:

Direction: Said it before, will say it again: without a plan, what are you doing and where in the world are you going with it and WHY?

A well-thought-out plan provides clear direction and keeps everyone focused on end goals. It helps allocate resources efficiently and aligns all marketing efforts with the overall business objectives.

A cohesive approach: A new logo here, updating packaging there, a social post over yonder — keeping things consistent and cohesive when you’re flying by the seat of your pants is pretty tricky.

Given that consistent messaging is key to building a strong brand identity, you really need a strategic plan that considers all marketing materials, campaigns and communications.

Measurable goals: Everyone wants to measure their return when it comes to marketing, but it’s not always that simple. Brand awareness campaigns for example have many ways you can measure their success, but you need to have a goal in mind and some baseline data to begin with to establish what success looks like for your business.

Without a plan, it's incredibly challenging (arguably impossible) to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts let alone demonstrate ROI.

Smart allocation of resources: Getting strategic means optimal allocation of budget, time and of course the valuable human resources. It prevents wastage — make sure that every single marketing dollar spent contributes to achieving your business goals.

The puzzle pieces for an effective strategic plan

Strategy and planning is the time to get clear on your goals and the best way forward to smash them. Depending on the type of brand you have and where your business is currently at, your long-term strategy will involve considerations like:

  • Market research and analysis
  • Defining your goals and objectives
  • Creating buyer personas
  • Assessing and selecting the right channels
  • Content strategy
  • Budget allocation
  • Roll-out plan
  • Monitoring, reporting and tweaking

Without a plan, your businesses risks wandering aimlessly. Don’t be the ones scrambling and reacting to trends rather than proactively shaping the future of your brand.

Resist the temptation to skip the planning phase and you will not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts, but also position your business for sustainable growth and success.