May 27, 2022

Reasons to opt for sustainable packaging

When it comes to packaging your products for customers, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Ensuring safe and secure delivery? Incorporating your brand colours or logo? Sure, these are definitely important. But have you considered what your customers do with your packaging once they have opened up their products? If ‘throw them in the bin’ is your answer, then it’s time to think again!

Sustainability is at the forefront of a rapidly increasing number of consumers’ minds. Excessive packaging and over-using single-use plastic as part of the way you package your products is frequently slammed by customers — no one wants to be publicly shamed for their wasteful packaging!

It’s fair to say that going forward, eco-friendly packaging is a necessity for your business.

What customers want from your packaging

Ever wondered what your customers are noticing about your packaging? Studies indicate that these are the top three concerns:

  1. Whether or not their items were delivered in a good condition
  2. Custom branding and design
  3. How environmentally conscious the packaging is

So, how can packaging be more sustainable?

Sustainable packaging is all about reducing your environmental footprint. A simple way to think about being eco-friendly with your packaging is to align it with the environmental mantra often known as the three Rs — reduce, reuse, recycle.

Firstly, can your packaging be reduced? For some businesses it could be worth starting by reducing the amount of packaging you use. For example, can multiple items be packaged together instead of separately?

Next, you can consider the reusability of your product’s packaging. Can it be used as something else later? Or was it something else previously? Extending the life cycle of the packaging helps to reduce your carbon footprint as a business.

Finally, we have recyclable packaging. This is packaging that we are seeing more and more of. Biodegradable, compostable, made from recycled materials — that sort of thing. Aim for packaging that can be put in the recycle bin rather than landfill!

How sustainable packaging benefits your brand

Download our free infographic detailing everything you need to know about sustainable packaging and how it influences your customers’ choices while benefiting your business and your brand. Here’s a sneak peek at the top reasons eco-friendly packaging is better for your brand:

Strengthen brand loyalty: 68% of customers say their loyalty to a brand is strengthened if they share same values. They return to a brand for its product quality, but sustainable business practices come a close second.

Meet your customers’ needs: 8 in 10 respondents indicate sustainability is important for them.

Increase customer referrals: 40% are more likely to share a purchase on social media if it arrived in thoughtful packaging and are 4 times more likely to refer your brand once they become engaged. Not to mention the 3-5x increased conversion rate for the brand resulting from referral purchases.

Prevent customers switching brands: 48% of all respondents said they would consider switching brands if a product they received contains excessive or unsustainable packaging. Plus, 90% of consumers would stop purchasing from a company if they learned about irresponsible practices.

Team fulfilment: 74% of employees are more fulfilled at work when they are provided with opportunities to make a positive impact on social and environmental issues, and 70% would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to important issues.

Look good while doing good

Don’t just be more sustainable about your packaging choices — tell your customers about it too! Your efforts to have a positive impact on the environment can be part of who you are as a brand and what you stand for. Plus, if you tell your customers about your packaging choices, you can also make sure they are aware of how to responsibly dispose of it too.

Remember, just because your packaging is good for the planet, it doesn’t mean it can’t look good too. We are committed to supporting businesses to do their bit for the environment and can help you create sustainable packaging that reflects your brand and its values.